Paintings Found 97 - 108 of 128
Early morning just before the sun broke the horizon along the Carmel coast. Oil on linen wrapped on 1.5 inch deep stretchers with painted sides.
Last light catching the top of the mountain range. Moments like this last just seconds, but can burn into your memory for a lifetime. Oil on linen on a 1.5 inch deep canvas with clean painted edges.
Early morning in one of California's most beautiful spots. Paint on location. Oil on linen mounted on gatorboard.
Glowing vibrant skies have been the subject I'm most drawn to in this body of work. This piece continues my exploration of this subject, juxtaposing purple clouds against an orange sky. I integrated water into the foreground largely so that I could reflect the sun and balance out the composition. Done from memory, this piece was completed over a number of painting sessions as the image slowly emerged from the canvas.
This imagined landscape is a channeling of years of different painting experiences. Of late I've been starting paintings with only vague mental images of where I want to go. Much as authors describe how characters they've created later take over and write the story themselves, these paintings take on a life of their as they develop.
As I continue to explore deconstructing light and the landscape, I continue to find greater and greater possibilities in the liberties I can take while still capturing that inner luminosity that is always so elusive. This piece is a fine example of an abstract exploration can still glow with inner light.
This is oil on stretched linen. It's on gallery wrapped 1.5 inch deep stretchers, and looks great hung unframed (as-is). This can also be framed.
I had been out on a long day painting, when on the way home I came across this expansive view. I pulled over feeling exhausted, but the view was some inspiring (and it kept geting better as the sun was going down) that it gave me a second wind and the energy to setup and paint - and I'm so glad I did.
This is oil on linen mounted on board (gatorboard). I'm making it available unframed.
This house has the most amazing garden. Two years ago I passed this spot and made a mental note to return to paint the scene. I tried to get back that year, but I was too late. The blooming season is relatively short, and when I passed this spot this year I immediately went back to my studio, grabbed my gear and returned to paint knowing just how hard it is to get the timing right.
I picked this unusual long format (8x20 inches) to get the feel of the long narrow garden along the side of the properly. This gives the piece a very unique quality.
This is oil on linen mounted on board (gatorboard). I'm making it avaialble unframed.
I painted this lovely little piece on a quite day after a big storm. The ocean was calm, and the glare off the waves caught my attention.
This is oil on linen mounted on board (gatorboard). It is being made available unframed.