Paintings Found 121 - 132 of 146
On a blustery day along the coast, I tied my easel down so I could paint. Big wave and warm evening light made for a magical afternoon.
This scene captured my attention with the distinctive ripples caused by the shallow sandbar just below the water's surface.
I was out on a beautiful afternoon painting on a cliff top, and while I was painting a couple walked into the scene. I've painted along this beach many times, and I've never seen anyone down on the beach. I didn't think it was even accessible, but the tide was low enough that they were able to get out to this point.
Best part was that I never fully appreciated the scale of the location. I never realized just how large the rocks are, or the enormous scale of the offshore breakers.
The couple ventured out close to the water’s edge, and then they quickly retreated to safer ground. I worked quickely to sketch them in, and I love how it gives a sense of scale to the whole scene.
I was drawn to this scene by the glow in the water and the contrast created by the rocks. I love the ocean, and nothing makes me happier than a day painting on the coast. This was from one of those special days - up early, out in the dark for a 2 hour drive, and then the magic as the day breaks open and unfolds.